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Crédit d’Impôt Recherche 2020,2021 & 2022

We are proud to announce that Haystack Consulting has been granted a Research Tax Credit for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

Both the European Union and the French government encourage innovation.The French administration decided to put in place a lucrative R&D scheme to generate new jobs. This scheme, giving research projects a 30% tax reduction.This R&D scheme is called ‘Crédit d’Impôt Recherche’ or Research Credit Tax. 

🇨🇵 Conformément à la convention CIR, nos clients français peuvent bénéficier d'un crédit d'impôt allant jusqu'à 30% sur les activités de recherche sous-traitées à Haystack Consulting. 

Get in touch with the expert

Ludovic Depoortere
+32 475 42 13 69